




Loss of control.

Hypersensitive to body sensations.







Impending doom.


Heart racing.

Fear of dying.


Feelings and body sensations can be very scary.

The words listed above are only a few that I repeatedly hear from clients I work with who struggle with anxiety.

Anxiety can rob us of our ability to feel safe and secure. It can change us in ways we never thought possible.

Feeling anxious can rob us of our confidence to make decisions, be present with our families, or advance in our careers.

Suffering from anxiety can suddenly seem like we cannot go through life without panicking or without fearing some awful possible outcome. One client said, “It feels like being on a rollercoaster all day.”

Anxiety signals contain helpful messages.

As much as anxiety feels awful, we also know it can be helpful by providing clues when something isn’t quite right.

Anxiety can prepare us to “fight or flee” in a dangerous situation. Under certain circumstances, such as doing something out of our comfort zone for the first time or preparing for a big test, we expect to experience anxiety.

However, when anxiety is unexpected or pervasive, it can become crippling. Once we start adjusting our lives around what our anxiety tells us, our hole becomes deeper until it feels like we cannot get out.

There is a way out.

What if we told you that even though you may be deep in the hole of anxiety, there’s a way out, and it’s through something you already possess? (No, it’s not the ladder in your garage). It’s our thoughts.

It sounds crazy to say, but the amount of energy and belief we give to our thoughts is the number one driver of our fear and maintenance of anxiety. How we interpret what we tell ourselves is what creates our reality.

Whether you have Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, or perfectionistic thinking, you can change your reality and response to your thoughts.

2057264303Making the change is where we can help.

In our work together, you will learn all about our thoughts’ impact on maintaining our reality.

We won’t ask you to change your thoughts, replace them, or think more positively. Our approach is all about learning about the impact of our thinking, developing tools to notice when you get tangled up and stuck in your thinking, becoming mindful of how you interpret your thoughts, and setting valued action goals, which possibly include bringing those uncomfortable thoughts and sensations with you. We may also do some exposure to virtual reality if it helps get you back to living your life.

We know this will get better for you. We’ve been there. Regardless of how stuck you feel and how paralyzing your anxiety feels, we are confident that we have the tools to help you start living again.

Let us help guide you. Contact us today for a free consultation.