Everyone seeks therapy for different reasons.
Perhaps you’ve been humming along in life and noticed that you don’t seem quite as happy with how your life feels and the direction it’s headed, or maybe you’re struggling with intense anxiety that you can no longer live the life you want.
Maybe the stress at work or as a parent has you beyond exhausted and wishing someone could help you process your overwhelm and give you some tools to help you through it.
Often, we cannot identify what exactly makes us feel so exhausted with life. Other times, there’s a specific cause that we can point to when our symptoms first started. Perhaps panic attacks have become more regular, or your depression keeps you stuck in bed, unable to attend family events, or be productive at work.
You typically can talk through things with friends and feel better, but lately, that doesn’t even help. When you know you are struggling, but nothing seems to help get you out of the feeling of overwhelm, exhausted, and stress, therapy can help.
Sometimes, YOU should come first.
We often tell ourselves, “It’s fine; I’ll be OK,” putting our needs aside while we care for all those around us. Feeling crunched for time makes you think that you can never find time to meet with a therapist.
But is this life what you want? Or do you want a life worth waking up to feeling ready for the day, and having the ability to be present with your family and friends? Because just settling for “Ok” (or worse) keeps us stuck in patterns that might affect those we love and care about and prevents us from living a meaningful life.
You may want to see a therapist to get guidance and support as you leave a relationship or a job or to address personal issues that keep rearing their ugly heads.
Maybe your perfectionism is preventing you from being happy in your position, or all-or-nothing thinking keeps you fixed on doing the same thing repeatedly, never taking chances because “what if” it didn’t work out.
Have all your same choices and behaviors gotten you where you want to be? If not, it’s time to try something different.
Therapy provides time just for YOU.
Therapy allows you to meet with a professional trained to listen to your challenges and help you develop options to get you moving toward your life goals.
You are the expert in the room, and we are there to help guide you with the training and tools we know will help.
Therapy is a collaborative process in which we walk the path together as we uncover unhelpful beliefs and patterns that are causing you pain and keeping you stuck. Therapy will help you see a new way of moving forward towards a life that is valuable to you and equip you with tools you will use the rest of your life.
Please get in touch today and schedule a free consult or your first session. There’s no need to keep struggling alone–we can help.